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    康晨希供應MESALABS CI-BDTLF-121 BD測試包

    康晨希供應MESALABS CI-BDTLF-121 BD測試包


    產(chǎn)品型號: 更新時(shí)間:2023-04-08 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:1110

    康晨希供應MESALABS CI-BDTLF-121 BD測試包
    產(chǎn)品Bowie-Dick Tset Pack 簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)BD測試包,用于滅菌器的預真空實(shí)驗。 康晨希供應MESALABS BD測試包產(chǎn)品為一個(gè)多層紗布的包裹,包裹內部是一個(gè)測試卡片,模擬空氣排除實(shí)驗,根據其中測試卡片的顏色變化,判斷實(shí)驗是否成功。




    康晨希供應MESALABS CI-BDTLF-121 BD測試包

    ? Air Removal Test Pack – Intended to evaluate the performance of the Air Removal (vacuum) system of Pre-Vacuum equipped Steam Sterilizers.


    ? Pre-assembled, disposable test pack. After exposure, unwrap pack and remove the indicator sheet for your records.


    ? 510(k) notification and meets AAMI, EN-867-3 and ISO 11140 air removal test.


    ? Lead Free Ink on Indicator Sheet – Safer for medical personnel and the environment.


    ? Distinct, non-reversible pink to black color change – easy to interpret.



    滅菌前                                 滅菌成功                                滅菌失敗

    Procedures for Use

    • Test sterilizer once a day.

    • Test at the beginning of each day. A shortened cycle should be used to preheat the system (i.e. omit the drying phase). If the sterilizer is in continual use, then testing can be performed at any time, but it should be tested at the same time every day.

    • Place the pack on the bottom rack in the front section of the sterilizer, near the door and over the drain.

    • The test is most accurate when nothing else is in the chamber, so do not use this cycle to sterilize items or packs. Other items in this cycle may invalidate the test.

    • Run a pre-vacuum cycle following the parameters printed on the indicator instructions. You may eliminate the drying phase to save time without affecting the test.

    • After the cycle is complete, remove the pack and open to examine the indicator sheet. CAUTION! Test pack may still be hot so use caution when handling to avoid injury.

    • Record the necessary information on the sheet (or in a log book) and store for your records.

    • The filter paper pack can be discarded into a paper recycle bin.

    產(chǎn)品實(shí)物圖:康晨希供應MESALABS BD測試包




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